Monday, February 8, 2010

Allen Wilford Brimley

Sexy? Not really...Masculine? eh. Remarkable though? Hell yes. You may know Wilford Brimley for his Liberty Medical devotion, but what you probably failed to recognize is that this 75 year old diabetic has been rocking a furry mo since he could grow one (you also were probably unaware that he is an activist against cockfighting in New Mexico). I'm actually convinced he was born with this  thick layer of lip fur and that it merely changed color over time.Time and again, usually during the price is right and after the Scooter Store ad, Brimley reminds us that "If you have diabetes and you're on medicare, the cost of your testing supplies may be covered." Well Wilford, while the diabetics among us may revere this message, the moustache lovers in all of us much prefer the fact that you've had that upper lip covered by thick glossy stache. And while Liberty Medical can "help you have a better life", Wilford, your simple, yet burly coat of lip fur has helped us have a better time watching this downtrodden advertisement. I not only thank you, but applaud your stache's sustenance.

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